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This clip has been carefully designed as a garage door isolator to decouple the vibrations from your garage door opener when it is in operation. Acoustical design load of 144 lbs. Comes as 3 different kits: Garage Door Motor Isolator Kit, Garage Door Rail Isolator Kit, and Garage Door Complete Isolation Kit.


This Garage Door Isolator clip is designed to decouple the vibrations from the garage door opener when it is in operation. Especially as rooms are increasinly being constructed above garage spaces, the use of this clip can reduce the vibrations from the garage door opener are transferred to the space above. These clips come as 3 diffferent kits depending on the extent of reductiong that is required.

RSIC-Garage Door Motor Isolator Kit
RSIC-Garage Door Rail Isolator Kit
RSIC-Garage Door Complete Isolation Kit
Acoustical Design Load Rating
Designed to withstand 144lbs per isolator.


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